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I receive in Florence, Prato and Milan

Matteotti Medical Group
Viale Giacomo Matteotti, 42
50132 - Florence (FI)
Telephone: 055 570224
Florence Castello
Villa Donatello
Via Attilio Ragionieri, 101
50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Telephone: 055 50975
Studi Medici Life
Viale della Repubblica, 141
59100 - Prato (PO)
Telephone: 0574 583501
Columbus Clinic Center
Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 48
20145 - Milan (MI)
Telephone: 02 480 801


Hypospadias correction


Hypospadias correction

Hypospadias is a congenital malformation that arises during fetal life and is characterized by the abnormal development of the last portion of the urethral tube and overlying preputial skin. This determines a different location of the urethral meatus compared to its canonical position above the glans.

This condition can be treated surgically through a urethroplasty which aims to:

1. Bring the urethral meatus to the top of the penis and reconstruct the missing urethra.
2. Correct any associated penile curvature
3. Create an aesthetic appearance of the penis, glans and meatus similar to normal.

To reduce the psychological impact, the intervention should preferably be performed during the first 18 months of life (the child will not remember the intervention) or in the 5th-6th year, before the start of school age.

There are more than 200 surgical techniques for treating hypospadias.
The choice of surgery depends on the type of hypospadias, the shape of the penis and the experience of the surgeon. Among these are:

A flap of skin is sculpted from the ventral aspect of the penis which is folded forward to cover the meatus up to the top of the glans.

The neourethra is constructed after incision and tubulization of the ventral surface tissue of the penis.

During the first operation, the ventral surface of the glans is enlarged by means of a skin graft taken from the foreskin or buccal mucosa. A new tissue platform is thus created which after 3 months will be used and tubulized to build the urethra.

Hypospadias surgery is characterized by 10-30% of complications, especially urethral fistulas and strictures, which may require further repair surgery at least 3 months after the first.The urethral fistula is the communication between the reconstructed neo-urethra and the outside: the urine comes out not only from the meatus, but also from a “hole” along the ventral surface of the penis.Stenosis is the narrowing of the neo-urethra which creates an obstacle to the flow of urine.

The child is usually discharged the day after the operation to reduce hospital stay and psychological trauma.
To assist parents in post-operative care, information is useful on:

Small, soft (silicone) catheters are used that drain urine from the bladder to the outside. The catheter is kept for 6-10 days. In the young child it is left open, with a continuous drip into the diaper. In the older patient it is connected to a urine collection bag. It is kept in place with a stitch fixed to the glans or with a balloon inflated in the bladder.

Penis medication
The dressing covers the wound and immobilizes the penis for a few days. In the first days after surgery, small blood losses and urine losses are frequent and normal in conjunction with pushing during defecation. Slight bleeding and increased swelling of the penis may be observed after removal of the dressing.

The surgical wound
The stitches are absorbable.
The signs of a wound infection are skin redness, pus and fever: in this case it is advisable to consult a doctor.
It is advisable to avoid compression of the perineal and scrotal region for two months and therefore it is better to avoid cycling.


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    Book a visit or a consultation

    I receive visits at the structures in Milan, Florence and Prato.

    Book the first visit or a specialist consultation at the office closest to you.

    For patients residing abroad, it is also possible to request a first remote consultation, using the contact form.

    Florence | Matteotti Medical Group

    Viale Giacomo Matteotti, 42
    50132 – Florence (FI)
    Telephone: 055 570224

    Florence Castello | Villa Donatello

    Via Attilio Ragionieri, 101
    50019 – Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
    Telephone: 055 50975

    Prato | Studi Medici Life

    Viale della Repubblica, 141
    59100 – Prato (PO)
    Telephone: 0574 583501

    Milan | Columbus Clinic Center

    Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 48
    20145 – Milan (MI)
    Telephone: 02 480801

    Dr. Andrea Cocci

    urologist and andrologist

    The decision to dedicate my professional life to urology and in particular to andrological and reconstructive surgery is the result of a deep passion for anatomy , the art of surgery and in general the diagnostic-therapeutic process which leads to the recovery of the patient. Oncological pathology, infertility, erectile dysfunction, penile diseases or simply prostate disorders irreparably afflict not only the individual but also the couple dimension.

    Receive in:
    Florence, Milan, Prato

    Dr. Andrea Cocci
    Urologist e andrologist

    I am fully convinced that listening to the patient, understanding their needs, evaluating their expectations is the only way to establish a successful and satisfying therapeutic program for both the doctor and the patient.