Aquabeam and Rezum
To treat benign prostatic hypertrophy
The Aquabeam and Rezum treatments are two effective and innovative systems for treating benign prostatic hypertrophy. These are non-invasive treatments that have led to satisfactory results over time. BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy) is a disease that today afflicts many men of all ages. The problem occurs naturally from the age of 40-50 and worsens as age progresses. The pathology is linked to natural aging and leads to enlargement of the prostate gland. An enlargement which, in some cases, can become so marked as to make the prostate the size of a grapefruit, if neglected and not treated. Non-invasive treatments such as Aquabeam and Rezum are able to solve the problem related to the prostate in a short time and in a very effective way.
Benign prostatic hypertrophy: what it is and how it manifests itself
The prostate is a gland, the size of a chestnut, attached to the undersurface of the bladder and partially covering the urethra, like a sort of small donut. The prostate is used to produce part of the seminal fluid and therefore helps to keep the sperm alive.
BPH is characterized by the proliferation of prostatic tissue. This leads, consequently, to a substantial increase in the volume of the gland. The enlargement blocks the urethra, causing an obstruction. The urethra which is responsible for the urinary outflow, is thus subject to greater pressure and in order to urinate it is at that point necessary to exert greater ventral force. Urination becomes difficult and painful, in many cases.
The enlargement of the prostate gland is therefore characterized by a physiological, completely benign proliferation. In other words, it’s not a tumor. But even if it’s not a tumor, it’s a problem that cannot be ignored or underestimated, because the consequences can be very serious and very painful.
BPH: all symptoms
- difficulty urinating
- percezione perception of continuous urge to urinate day and night (pollakiuria and nocturia)di stimolo continuo a minzioni diurne e notturne (pollachiuria e nicturia)
- difficoltà ad iniziare adifficulty starting to urinated urinare
- intermittent urination
- decrease in jet pressure
- slow and painful urination (stranguria)
- feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
- continuous dripping at the end of urination
- drops of blood in the urine (haematuria)
- difficulty in the act of erection
- difficulty maintaining an erection
How to treat Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Aquabeam: what it is and how it works
Aquabeam: all the advantages
- absence of surgical incisions
- less surgery time (the procedure lasts only a few minutes)
- absence of general anesthesia
- ejaculation preservation
Rezum: what it is and how it works
Rezum: all the advantages
- minimally invasive
- simplicity and speed of execution (the operation takes a few minutes)
- performed in a day hospital regimen with minimal sedation or anesthesia local
- quick return to normal daily activities
- reduction of symptoms and preservation of sexual function
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to Dr. Cocci
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For patients residing abroad, it is also possible to request a first remote consultation, using the contact form.
Florence | Matteotti Medical Group
Viale Giacomo Matteotti, 42
50132 – Florence (FI)
Telephone: 055 570224
Florence Castello | Villa Donatello
Via Attilio Ragionieri, 101
50019 – Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Telephone: 055 50975
Prato | Studi Medici Life
Viale della Repubblica, 141
59100 – Prato (PO)
Telephone: 0574 583501
Milan | Columbus Clinic Center
Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 48
20145 – Milan (MI)
Telephone: 02 480801
Dr. Andrea Cocci
urologist and andrologist
The decision to dedicate my professional life to urology and in particular to andrological and reconstructive surgery is the result of a deep passion for anatomy , the art of surgery and in general the diagnostic-therapeutic process which leads to the recovery of the patient. Oncological pathology, infertility, erectile dysfunction, penile diseases or simply prostate disorders irreparably afflict not only the individual but also the couple dimension.
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